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Showing posts from December, 2017

Streamlining a Waste Management System - What to Do

Streamlining a waste management system is an important part of any business. There are many legal requirements of businesses to take care of waste securely. It is also important to label your waste clearly and make the necessary arrangements. A very important example is asbestos. Any material for disposal containing more than 0.1 per cent asbestos must be clearly labeled. It must be double bagged and placed in a secure, locked skip. If asbestos infected waste needs storing, it must be in a sealed container and clearly marked. Any protective equipment contaminated with asbestos must be treated like industrial waste and disposed of in the same manner. Waste management companies can help you dispose of your waste responsibly. For example, some computer companies offer a service where they will pick up, ship and dispose of it for you. In some countries, it is a legal requirement to dispose of computer and electronic equipment properly. Failure to do so can result in a fine. Alway

Tips on Starting Your Own Paper Shredding Business

Even though we live in a digital age, companies still have to generate a lot of paper documents. In order to preserve the safety and security of these documents it is common to shred them. By shredding the documents, they can be disposed of discreetly and securely. A lot of companies and offices use small garbage can sized paper shredders in their office, however it is often an inconvenience to the company and cuts back on employee productivity. This is where a professional industrial paper shredding company comes in as a vital service to many companies, both large and small. There is no better time to start your own paper and document destruction and shredder business to capitalize on this lucrative opportunity. Here are some tips to get you started in your own document shredding business. Plan on being mobile and going to your customers, give a personal service. You cannot expect companies to bring large trucks full of documents to you because it is much easier to take you